
AER Pockettool Dual Para EQ

42 750 р. предложить свою цену
Код товара: 54620
Гарантия: 12 месяцев

The dual para eq is a compact, parametric 2-band-equalizer, which you can apply to a signal chain to lift or lower certain frequencies. Parametric means not only lifting or lowering but also adjusting separately the position and width of frequency bands. Thus, on the one hand, it offers the possibility of equalizing frequency error (hence the name equalizer) and suppressing feedback or resonance peaks. On the other hand, it can serve as a flexible sound control of the targeted sound change.


  • Aluminium metal housing
  • Anodized black finish
  • The phase switch allows reversal of the phase
  • The bypass is designed as a „hard-wire“-type – directly connected– bypass. The signal will not pass through any other electronics, the dual para eq is completely bypassed.
  • The equalizers are two parametric filter networks, adjustable from 90 Hz bis 11 kHz in two ranges (F1/F2)

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