
Metric Halo accessiores LIO-8 8 Channel ULN-R Preamp Kit

129 360 р. предложить свою цену
Код товара: 46186
Гарантия: 12 месяцев

The Metric Halo LIO-8 8 Channel ULN-R Preamp Kit adds channels 1 to 8 with ULN-R preamps and an 8-channel DB-25 input connector board to the existing LIO-8 line-level digital audio processor. These are the same preamps as used in the ULN-8 digital audio processor.

Each preamp can provide +48V phantom power with an input impedance of 3.3 kilohms, a dynamic range of 115 dB (flat from 0 to 22,050 Hz), and a total harmonic distortion rating of 0.0007% at -12 dBFs.

UPC: 832081000439

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